This thanksgiving was the first year to celebrate with a couple of raw foods. The most important one would be the raw pumpkin pie. The other new food was some cheezy kale chips. My parents words were that the kale chips were addictive, and the pumpkin pie tasted just as if it were cooked. I was surpised when my mother used the kale chips in place of traditional stuffing. I put a pile of kale chips on my plate as well. I allowed myself to eat traditional thanskgiving dinner and really enjoyed it. I especially love the turkey, mashed potatoes with loads of gravy and sea salt. It was always my favorite meal. Now that I am a raw foodist, I really notice the difference between cooked veggies and raw fresh ones. I much prefer raw ones because you can tell the life has been taken out of cooked food.

My parents both loved these new foods. Here below is a picture of my mom and my son.

I went out to take a look at her garden and found a red cabbage. I was amazed at the vibrant colors. I have never noticed how beautiful this plant was....

I also noticed there was fresh parsley growing everywhere. Parsely is really good for you because it contains a spectrum of vitamins and minerals. It is considered a natural multi -vitamin in itself.

I was excited to see zucchini flowers and thought the color was so appropriate for Thanksgiving.
These flowers can be used as an edible garnish on salads, but I just used it as a decoration this time.

I never noticed how beautiful these were....

I thought the colors of orange and navy blue went really well together. This was a very attractive place setting for the occasion.
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