This recipe was not like your traditional Borsht. This was a nice change from my regular green soups. However, for those who need a lot of detoxing and are beginners I would only have a small bowl of this. Too much of a good thing can be hard one's system. I could eat as much as I wanted, but my husband expereinced flu like symptoms. He ate a real large bowl and his body couldn't handle the shock of the detoxifying effects. It is wise to go slow and steady when you transition from the SAD diet to the raw food diet. Especially when it comes to drinking green juices and raw soups with highly detoxing veggies such as beets. This was delicious and if he ate half a bowl he would have been fine. Beets clean the blood, kidney and liver....
The color is so beautiful and brilliant. Beets are very good for you but high in sugar content, so rather than juicing the beets, I simply blended them. This doesn't reduce the total sugar content, but it flattens the blood sugar spike by retaining the natural binding between fibre and juice. I shredded carrot and beet together for this recipe. Next time I will add just beets and try to get more beet flavor .There are many different ways to make Borsht. You can juice your veggies or just blend as is. I find adding a little fat gives you a better feeling of fullness so I added an avocado. Dr Barry Sears is so wise in his science of balanced meals. Just eating carbs gives you a burst of energy, but then you crash shortly afterwards looking for more carbs. Having balanced meals with carbs (vegetables), fat and protein will give you a sense of fullness for at least four hours. Avocados are healthy fats and contain a good supply of protein..

Red beet contains vitamin A, B, C, E, K and lots of potassium, folic acid and manganese. From red beet you will also get calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphor, selenium, zinc, sodium, copper, iodine and tryptophan.
One cup of red beet of red beet has 75 calories, 17 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of sugar, a couple of grams of dietary fibers, a few proteins and lots of water, about 145 grams of water. Because it contains sugars diabetics should avoid eating red beat.
Because of all the vitamins and minerals found in red beet it has a revitalizing effect on your body. Your immune system gets strengthened by eating red beet frequently. If you have anemia, pulmonary diseases, heart or liver problems, constipation or colon cancer you should consider eating more red beet.
The red beet directly actions on your liver, reducing the fat deposits and toxins that affect your liver. Red beet is really good for the health of you liver. The potassium form red beet will protect your heart . The folic acid and potassium will lower your chance of ever suffering from high blood pressure. If you see that your urine or stool have a more reddish color don’t get alarmed because it’s the red beet
Red beet juice lowers your blood pressure. The American Heart Association claims that half a litter of red bee juice lowers your blood pressure in one hour. By drinking red beet juice your metabolism is improved, intestinal problems are alleviated, and helps your liver function better. A great juice is red beet with carrot juice.
The red pigment that makes the beet red is actually an anti-cancerous substance that is especially effective against colon cancer.
Minerals Nutrition in Beet Greens
Calcium (Ca) content (mg per 100g) 114 Iron (Fe) content (mg per 100g) 1.9 Magnesium (Mg) content (mg per 100g) 68 Phosphorus (P) content (mg per 100g) 41 Potassium (K) content (mg per 100g) 909 Sodium (Na) content (mg per 100g) 477 Zinc (Zn) content (mg per 100g) 0.5 Copper (Cu) content (mg per 100g) 0.251 Manganese (Mn) content (mg per 100g) 0.514 Selenium (Se) content (µ per 100g) 0.9
Vitamins Nutrition in Beet Greens
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) content (mg per 100g) 24.9 Thiamin content (vitamin B-1) (mg per 100g) 0.117 Riboflavin content (vitamin B-2) (mg per 100g) 0.289 Niacin content (vitamin B-3) (mg per 100g) 0.499 Pantothenic Acid content (vitamin B-5) (mg per 100g) 0.329 Vitamin B-6 content (mg per 100g) 0.132 Folate content (µg per 100g) 14 Folic Acid content (µg per 100g) 0 Food Folate content (µg per 100g) 14 Folate content (DFE per 100g) 14 Vitamin B-12 content (µg per 100g) 0 Vitamin A content (µg per 100g) 5100 Vitamin A content (Int. Units, IU, per 100g) 255 Retinol content (µg per 100g) 0 Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) content (µg per 100g) N/A
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