Sunday, July 22, 2012

~ Terri's Squash Soup ~

There is a lot of work that goes into this and it is well worth it. it is not raw, but I consider this a whole food meal. My son loves it and its better than processed sup from a can.
I usually get him to do the chopping of the squash.....

This a simple, but beautiful recipe and will within the next week post a picture of what one of my bowls look like.
I sautee red onion and ginger in the frying pan with coconut oil or water and a dash of black pepper....
Then I add it to the chopped squash in a pot of chicken broth and cut up and apples, red pepper, two garlic cloves and add a bunch a thyme.
This is delicious and with the raw toppings it keeps you satisfied for hours.....

This lasts about four days n the fridge !

I sprinkle the soup with sprouts and slices of avocado which makes it perfect !

Saturday, July 21, 2012

~ Daniging with the Stars ~

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

~ Carrot Cleanser ~

I decided to try something different. I have stayed away from ginger for a few years, but tried and for some reason it didn't bother me. It tasted really hot, but very delicious.

I used an inch of ginger root in the juicer ans wow what a kick. next time I am only putting a tiny bit.


As you can see I have used apple and ginger.....


I used a bunch of carrots , three apples, inch of ginger and a lemon.......delish !!

It was a real treat if your not used to these ingredients go slow on the ginger root and maybe half a lemon....

 ENJOY !<3

~ Dance Walking Guru Found ~

Ben Aaron

Ben now decided to dance in the car with a friend !! I think I have found someone I am crazy about...
My kind of

This video is very silly and fun, but its about greens. she will encourage you to get your Greens :-)

~ Quinoa with RAw ~

I usually start my day by juicing greens dandelions.... :)

I made a lovely dish which is popular here and make it weekly. I did cook my quinoa. I eat some whole foods and mostly raw foods.

This particular dish is made with cooked quinoa and some aromatic herbs like my doctor suggested.


A friend of mine was talking about cooking quinoa and adding cranberries and how her husband loved it so I tried and added a bunch of things.


I cooked the quinoa and added turmeric a tsp, sea salt, black pepper, freeze dried garlic, green onions...


I then decorated it with raw toppings loads of cilantro, cubed avocado and cranberries

Triple YUM !

~ Along the Eastern Ocean Shore ~

Love the ocean waves majestic!!

There is nothing like being outside in the summer. All the green , fresh air especially along the ocean shore.

The salt air is filled with minerals we need to help strengthen our bodes. It has as well a negative change which also helps out nervous systems.

I have not realized what we allow into our minds and our thought how they can effect our health.

Taking in all the creation around us is so good for us and gives us a better sense of self awareness and spiritual awakening..... we need this quiet time to reflect and kind of clean the mind. I consider it sort of a mental detox,

 The sunlight is so good for our minds and helps deal with depression. it is good if you can get out at least 20 min each day preferably early in the morning around ten . Really focus on what you see and breathe deeply into the abdomen for a count of five and out through the nose for a count of five.

 Another thing that is great to do first thing in the morning is to drink a liter of filtered water add some cucumber slices or squeezed lime. Then get out for a little while then have your breakfast.

 These shots are beautiful. My son took then he enjoys photography as well.

 Get to the beach or get outside and do something new today that you have been putting off.
the right choices we make today create a better tomorrow !

 Terri Jyl xoxo

Monday, July 16, 2012

~ There has been a lot of change ~

It has been a while since I have blogged and have been searching for answers and direction.
I was very ill a couple years ago and now I am about 70 % better. I have worked with massage therapists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, CST, meditation,  and also have done some life changing work with Steve McEvoy. I have been set free in some real important areas. I also need to mention my very dear doctor who is a biological naturopath . If it wasn't for him I might not be here now . He is not only a brilliant doctor and I also consider him a good friend.

Currently I am going to walks around the lake, hanging out at the beach, doing deep breathing exercises, (FREEZE FRAME), I drink lots of juices mainly green ones and smoothies mostly a liquid diet. I love to walk bare foot or something called Earthing to get grounded.....

I am also into hugging trees to get grounded and I have found I have been able to run and jump and even climb there has been much progress....

I have many posts to catch up on , but wanted to just let the public know what I have been doing. I also have been working out dancing a lot which has been a huge help......

This has been my lifesaver I have been dancing now at least and hour every days for a month and if I could get a local group together to dance walk I would.....

~ There has been a lot of change ~

It has been a while since I have blogged and have been searching for answers and direction.
I was very ill a couple years ago and now I am about 70 % better. I have worked with massage therapists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, CST, meditation,  and also have done some life changing work with Steve McEvoy. I have been set free in some real important areas. I also need to mention my very dear doctor who is a biological naturopath . If it wasn't for him I might not be here now . He is not only a brilliant doctor and I also consider him a good friend.

Currently I am going to walks around the lake, hanging out at the beach, doing deep breathing exercises, (FREEZE FRAME), I drink lots of juices mainly green ones and smoothies mostly a liquid diet. I love to walk bare foot or something called Earthing to get grounded.....

I am also into hugging trees to get grounded and I have found I have been able to run and jump and even climb there has been much progress....

I have many posts to catch up on , but wanted to just let the public know what I have been doing. I also have been working out dancing a lot which has been a huge help......

This has been my lifesaver I have been dancing now at least and hour every days for a month and if I could get a local group together to dance walk I would.....