Two highly recommended books. These can change your life. If you have illness and want to be well read these !!

Dr. Robert and Shelly Young's work was what inspired me on the green/raw/vegan lifestyle. Their work focuses on alkalining the body through raw/green foods and living water. I came accross their website looking for information on the connection between lemons, limes and candidas. I have always suffered with this illness and have heard of how an alkaline system will heal candidas. Canadidas cannot thrive in an alkaline body. The first month of beginning my transition I lived on green smoothie's to clean my body. it was easy for me to do at the time because I was in bed for months with asthma and pneumonia. I went through hell the first few months which came with it a lot of detox symtoms.
Even though fruit is considered good for you to the general public they are acidic and I only eat them as a treat. If I ate mostly fruit and only a few veggies I would be ill again. Now I live on green smoothie's, green juices, salads, raw breads and crackers and raw desserts.

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