It has many Benefits...
Anti- Depressant
Digestive Aid
Increases bile production
Anti- inflammatory
Kidney Tonic
Blood tonic
Menstrual Regulator
Essential Oil
This is something I would love to learn how to do. Rose oil has been used to treat mild depression and anxiety. It can also be used as an aphrodisiac if you are looking for more romance...
Rose Water
On the skin, rose water treats acne and acts as an astringent (cleans the skin and constricts the pores).
Rose Hips
I have been so excited to learn what these funny red bulbs are. These are what I have been drinking as tea. I buy rose hip tea from the Bulk Barn. Rose hips are the fruit that grows towards the end of the season. They are commonly used for herbal teas. Inside each bulb are a bunch of white seeds.
This was a great post, thank you for all this great information.