Saturday, August 29, 2009

~ Zucchini What to do with it ~

Zucchini was always something that was bought and thrown away after it went bad in the fridge. I would think of it weeks later and go to get it and my fingers would break the skin. It would be rotten all the way through. I never knew what to do with them. I didn't even know zucchini was a squash. These two are huge and will be my food for the next week.

Zucchini is a vegetable I eat just about daily now. I use it in my smoothie's, green spoups, raw pastas and as a cover for veggie wraps. You could also call them spring rolls. I am working on one now and can't wait to figure out the finishing touches.

Nutritional Value of Zucchini

This food is low in saturated fat, very low in cholesterol , sodium and low in calories. It is also a good source of Thiamin, Niacin and Pantothenic Acid, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Folate, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, Copper and Manganese.
Dont peel your zucchini just wash the skin because most of the nutritional value is in the skin

Thursday, August 27, 2009

~ RawVegan Oatmeal/Chocolate Chip Cookies ~

These are very good, but my family says they want a dry cookie so next time they I will try them in our Excalibur Dehydrator .
This was my first attempt at these cookies and needs work. I used oat grouts soaked , ground flax, dates, almond meal, sea salt. dash of cinnamon, raw chocolate, shredded cococnut and a little agave...

Raw Pasta Alfredo

I just got my new spiralizer today and tried my first raw pasta and chose to make a recipe from the book RAWvolution. It is a wonderful book I and highly recommend you getting it. It is full of loads on fabulous recipes.

Raw Alfredo Pasta

1 cup cashews

3/4 cup water

1 t sea salt

1/2 tsp nutmeg

1/3 cup fresh lemon juice

2 garlic cloves

This recipe is a variation from the book, but still very good !!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

~ Raw Green Smoothie ~

Raw/green foods are the best foods on the planet. If you suffer with any kind of illness and are tired of suffering there is a way out. At first it takes time and effort to prepare green smoothies, juices and soups, but once you begin your journey and stay there for a few weeks you will never want to go back to the regular way of eating. The typical way of eating has had all the nutrients and enzymes removed. Processed, packaged and cooked foods are basically poison, absent of any nutritional value. Raw green foods are living foods and if you eat them your body will become more alive !!

I first got my inspiration from Dr Robert and Shelly Young. I saw Shelly make a green smoothie on television a year ago. It was 100% green. What a new concept for me because I had a fruit smoothie for breakfast for years. Fruit, even though it high in antioxidants, is also very acidic due to it's sugar content. My smoothie is a variation of Shelly Young's...

1 avocado
1 lime
2 cups of baby spinach
1 cucumber
1 tsp powdered wheat grass

I didn't understand that cooked/processed foods caused chronic illness and and even disease such as cancer. The way to free yourself from chronic illness or even life threatening issues is to blast it away with living green foods. I have always told people don't take my word for it. Try it and if you see results you know it is the Truth!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Steve Meyerowitz

Steve Meyerowitz and Wheat Grass

Matt Monarch and Steve Meyerowitz

Broccoli sprouts are between 50-100 times more potent in nutritional value than regular broccoli . Sprouts are predigested foods and are one of the best food on the planet which has the power to reverse disease. To learn more about the sproutman visit his website at

~ Raw Beet Slaw ~

"Let food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be food." Hippocrates

Beets are one of my favorite sweet veggies. The are very helpful in detoxing the liver and kidneys. Most of us have congested liver due to all the toxins from the regular foods we eat.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

~ What is Maca ? ~

Maca is one of the top ten Super Foods and highly
recommended for anyone who suffers with low energy or depression

I bought some Maca root powder. My husband and I both have little energy and this is supposed to be one of the top ten super foods. It enhances energy and mood also is high in iron which I desperately need. It has a distinct flavor that needs to be hidden in something like raw chocolate pie. I have been adding it in my chocolate pies and my son has not noticed. I have been also adding it to my husbands fruit smoothies and it is amazing to watch the results . It works directly when you put it in your body. You need to be careful taking this food not to overdue it. In order to be balanced it is recommended to take if for three or four days then stop for a few days before taking it again. Too much of this awesome food could cause you to crash. Begin slowly with 1 tsp a day then up to 1 tablespoon ...
**If you suffer with liver or kidney conditions or if your are pregnant and breasfeeding consult your medical doctor before you take this product...**

Some major health benefits of organic raw Peruvian Maca include:

1) Increases energy, endurance and stamina in your body.

2) Increases your muscular strength. Incan warriors used it regularly to help them increase their strength and prowess in battle. In essence, it acts like an anabolic muscle enhancer.

3) Increases sexual strength as well and it acts as an aphrodisiac. Both fertility and sexual desire are improved after consuming this organic super food Maca. In fact, the legends have it that Incan warriors were prohibited from consuming Peruvian Maca once a city was invaded, in order to protect the woman inhabitants of that city.

4) Maca helps the body to regulate hormonal processes. It can be used to treat hormonal dysfunctions caused by menopause in women and andropause in men. This results in helping people who suffer from moods disorders and depression.

5) It is a great memory enhancer and scientific studies shows that it increases the neural activity in the brain.

6) Maca helps increase the circulation in your body. Any condition of anemia is reduced and more importantly the wounds in your body heal faster after consuming Maca regularly. Also due to improved circulation, your skin gets a glowing healthy look.

7) Maca, the organic superfood helps to regulate and stabilize the various systems in your body such as the lymph system, the circulatory system, the hormonal system, the musculature system etc. It benefits your body in whatever your body needs the most help. As you can see, this wonderful organic food is absolutely superb and it has medicinal qualities as well as nutritional qualities.It has over 27 trace minerals such as selenium and it can be an absolute nutrition package that will complement and supplement your daily nutritional intake. It is recommended that you eat this organic food as raw for best results. You can add it to your desserts or even sprinkle it in your coffee ( dandy blend). Due to its benifits i am going to find ways to add this into my daily diet and come up with some recipe's to share with you !!

Friday, August 21, 2009

~ Baby Arugula and Grapefruit Salad ~

I find some of the micro greens such as Arugula to be a little bit bitter so adding something sweet to balance the taste. The pink grapefruit juice softens the leaves and makes them more enjoyable.

Baby Arugula and Grapefruit Salad
2 cups of baby arugula
1 large grapefruit
1/2 soaked almonds
2 T fresh grapefruit juice
dash of sea salt

The best fruits for you are lemons, limes and grapefruit. Citrus fruits, with the exception of oranges, are low in sugar. Oranges are high in vitamin C, but if you suffer with Candida or diabetes you must avoid them due to their high sugar content. I use lime in most of my green smoothies to give them a little sweetness and make them more palatable ...

Arugula health benifits and nutritional value

Arugula is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, folic acid, calcium, manganese, and magnesium. It's also a very good source of potassium, iron, zinc, riboflavin, and copper.
Arugula and other cruciferous vegetables contain a group of anticancer compounds . These compounds exert antioxidant activity, and are potent stimulators of natural detoxifying enzymes in the body.
Arugula, like other greens, is rich in many essential vitamins and minerals, as well as important phytochemicals. Arugula contains phytochemicals such as carotenes and chlorophyll. Those phytochemicals make it an excellent source of antioxidants which aid in feeding the body and cleaning unwanted toxins.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

~ Mung Bean and Sunflower Spouts ~

My first try at sprouting Mung Beans

I was surprised how easy it was to sprout mung beans. I soaked them overnight and then rinsed the next morning. They opened a little with a little white shoot. Within 48 hours they looked like this. Mung Bean sprouts are packed with nutients and enzymes. I added them to my salads and which lasted a couple of days. They gave a crunchy texture to my salad. I would have to say I still prefer sprouts that come from seeds rather than beans. These however are a nice change to the rugular sprouts which I usually eat. I eat most of the time red clover, alfalfa and radish sprouts.

My first attempt at sprouting sunflower seeds...
I did the same with the sunflower seeds. I soaked them overnight and then rinsed them. Within 24 hours I noticed shoots. They would have been very nice to add to my salads, but I let them continue for several says. They produced wirey fibers that looked as if they needed soil to take root. I know beautiful sunflower sprouts are grown from soil. They look very attractive and I am sure are delicious. The next time I attempt to grow these I will use organic soil just like you use it for growing wheat grass.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

~ Ani Phyo's Raw Desserts ~

This is Ani's latest book which has a number of delicous desserts. I have posted two video clips of two fabulous raw food recipes. These are wheat free, dairy free and sugar free... I highly recommend purshacing her book to give you the ability to enjoy yummy desserts without the negative conseqences regular desserts have. Ani says you can enjoy these easy to make decadent desserts every day and not gain weight....

Ani's Raw Food Desserts: 85 Easy, Delectable Sweets and Treats

This book of hers was her previous book which also is a must have in your home library. She has had a lot of years experience eating raw foods. Not only do they taste good, they also cause your health to improve drastically and help you loose weight!

Ani's Raw Food Kitchen - Book (Ani Phyo)

Monday, August 17, 2009

~ Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS) can be reversed ~

IBS is an inflammatory condition that can be healed through eating raw living foods. This condition is a symptom of an unhealthy gut that is infested with candida ( yeast). Eating raw green foods can heal candida and all other inflammatory conditions....Living foods produces healthy living bodies which enables us to feel ALIVE !!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

~ Terri's All Radish Salad ~

I love radish so much I came up with a salad that includes radishes, radish greens and radish sprouts....** (:

~ Health Benifits of Radish and it's Greens ~

Radishes and their greens provide an excellent source of vitamin C. Radish leaves contain almost six times the vitamin C content of their root and are also a good source of calcium. The red radishes also offer a very good source of potassium, copper and folic acid.

Radishes, like other member of the cruciferous family (cabbage,kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), contain cancer-fighting properties. They contain a variety of sulfur-based chemicals that increase the flow of bile. Therefore, they help to maintain a healthy gallbladder and liver, and improve digestion. Fresh radish roots contain a larger amount of vitamin C than cooked radish roots. Radish greens, contain far more vitamin C, calcium, and protein than the roots.

All vegetables are beneficial, but their leafy greens are far superior. Now I usually eat more greens and sprouts than the vegetable or root.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Raw /Vegan Not Eat More Chocolate Cookies

Dandy Blend and Raw Chocolate Cookies
Most of us don't just eat to live, but live to enjoy food. You see countless people standing in the line up at Tim Horton's (coffee/donut shop) needing their comfort food to start their day. Raw cookies are the best way to meet that need to go with your morning Java. They do not cause the same damage as a muffin filled with sugar, saturated fats and processed flours. Raw cookies give you pure energy from the living nutrition in them. If you eat sugar you feel high temporarily and then within the hour you're looking for more...Most people live this way and don't realize what they are doing to themselves. I can say I have struggled with the need for a treat to start my day my whole life. Now I am so thankful to know there are options that meet that same emotional need without the same negative consequences as a muffin.